Surah waqiah ayat 19
Surah waqiah ayat 19

Seated on couches inwrought with gold and jewels,ĥ6:16. A large party from among the early Muslims,ĥ6:15. They will be in the Gardens of Blissĥ6:13. They will have achieved nearness to God.ĥ6:12. Then you shall be divided into three groups:ĥ6:8. First, those on the right hand - how lucky are those on the right hand! Some it will bring low, others it will exalt.ĥ6:4. When the earth will be shaken violently.ĥ6:5. And the mountains will be ground to powder.ĥ6:7. Section one: The Three Categories of People in the Hereafter 56:1. When the Event (resurrection) comes to pass.ĥ6:2. None can say that its coming to pass is a lie.ĥ6:3. In this surah we propose to deal with the commentary of one section at a time rather than one verse at a time. However, we do believe that someone who genuinely and deeply begins to believe in the Afterlife, will become resigned to the trials of this world and fully resigned and happy with the blessings that await him or her in the Afterlife. Someone can recite it as a parrot every night and it will not become a magical wand for him or her to fulfill all his or her needs. We have the audacity to say that literal interpretation of this Hadith will not be true.

surah waqiah ayat 19

The real blessing comes from understanding it and implementing it in our thought processes and life. We find that reading of the Quran is a blessing but not like a parrot. To know the traditional commentaries referred to by Seyyed Hossein Nasr as alphabets, please see About us page.

surah waqiah ayat 19

The attribution of such qualities to this surah has led to its being one of the most often recited surahs of the Quran, especially in moments of great significance and portent, including for the dying or recently dead.

surah waqiah ayat 19

Ibn ‘Ajibah states that this is because whoever understands the things mentioned in this surah regarding the Hereafter will set about preparing for it. The surah takes its name from mention of the Event in v.1, a reference to the Day of Judgment.Īccording to Syed Hossein Nasr and his associates, in the introduction to this surah:Īccording to a well-known Hadith, ‘Whosoever recites al-Waqi‘ah every night shall never be afflicted by need’ (Aj, Al, IK, Q). It is generally considered to be a Makkan surah.

Surah waqiah ayat 19